Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the offices of ‘EESTEC LC Athens’ located?

You can find our offices inside the NTUA Campus, very close to the university’s restaurant. So grab a bite and come meet us!

Can I become a member of EESTEC if I’m not an EECS student?

Of course you can, as long as you are studying at any university in Athens.

What are the prerequisites to join EESTEC LC Athens?

All you need is to be a student or graduate from a university in Athens. And of course have enthusiasm to meet new people and develop yourself!

As an engineer, what do I gain by joining EESTEC?

You make friends and develop a network from all over Europe with similar interests as you, you participate and organise many ECE themed workshops, cooperate with companies and develop skills that will make you stand out in the job market.

How do you travel?

Within the network of EESTEC we organise many workshops and events. By participating in any of them you get to meet people from all over Europe and live great experiences!

Do you pay/get paid as a member?

No, we are made up entirely of volunteers and there is no fee to being a member.

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